What is the mysterious Igntr (pronounced igniter)
In the world of cars movie you can count more than 1000 types of car in the screen! there have been many cars in these films but we never have before seen a black car! with electric engine and special speed igniters! is a good car with very much speed and a lot of cool design thought gone into it's modern look by the men ( and some woman) of pIXAR! tehy have thought very nice of new car with a cool desine like it (Why?) have never been see as the universe in witch the cars will drive? but who and how and why is this car so angry and fast? And also colm is the spelling of namne IGNtr is name spell like that why? igniter is what can make a car go fast as wind like a good old gazelle and this car is as fast as the vidgame echidna named sonic! but he is black so he is like a car of shadow the porcy pine? shadow is avery cool and bad and fast caracter and that mist mean ingtr is very fast and cool caracter who does make the main one like lghtingn or sonic seem like a wimP!Oo r mabye IGNtrr is of fantom form Litning Mcweens past? Mabee he is a gost of Crimsmass Past? Maybe He Is SUPPERFAST SPEEDSTER WHOO GOS WELL ON TRACK! VROOM VROOOOM! personly, I think it is all a dreaam and litning is acuallee a communist? It makes sence, litning is both red and yellow! All mising is hammmer and sicky and and Starling! Gulagg .and.Maybe Igntr is actually is accual nasty capitalast Winston chuckle?! Ignt is So c0l other see him cry BAYBAY. IGNTR is oviosly Bad blak skunk ew. He frat on lightin mcweenie and BOOM He sexy fart blow Ligthing. It smells bad so burn uyp fire dead mcweone. is also every car and also plane a dream of sick boy who does think of him he mcweenz/? even a bpy of very sick liver ncacer is fast in dreams of car? the voice of maqween owen is a nine year boy who is sick in the film cars and planes? We is all very cufullzed at this new relevation! Possibeluy FASTER HAS SIX LETTERS AND TWO SILLYBULLS WHERE THE SILLYBULLS ARE SET IN THE MIDDLE AND IS NUTORISLY SIMPLE WORD. MAYBE FASTER IS CODEWORD FOR SPEED, WHICH IS NIKNAME FOR BAD BAD DRUG! is balck car bad or good car or plaen ( could be tru is fast car and cannot see much in trailer?
but that is just a theroy? a
heoryt of cars 3?
your's truley
fun fact-
owen wilson pretended to be a car for the whole shoot of cars! now thats method acting!
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